星期三, 7月 13, 2005


Over the past few years of matriculation, one of the most useful subjects I have learnt is negotiation. It is an on-going activity for each and every second and both of you and your opponent(s) have own different BATNA (which means the bottom line). Sometimes, there is a crossover of BATNAs for possible reconciliation regardless who may share the larger pie. Unfortunately, the decision is right to leave the conference room when there is nothing just a gap between the two unreachable BATNAs.

More than sentiment, somehow your opponent is you yourself. In case the BATNAs of the two are less rigid but more flexible to move forward to each other, win-win is allowed. However, when it finally comes to the case of go-or-not-go decsion, take a second thought to understand your own BATNA which might be something important to continue insist in.

Remember, one can still breath without anyone!
There are always other ways to make life better!

To my friend S.

Junior potato:How come to hard code a parameter needs to take so much?
Senior potato:No bargin anymore, this change needs to take 140 man-days counts for all internal testings, interface passing....blar blar blar....
Junior potato:okey...-_-"



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