星期二, 7月 05, 2005

Open day !

I have been waching others blogs since March this year before I went to my first independent trip to Singapore. The first ever blog I have read is about travel, the author does share lots of tips and experiences. And there are lots of replies from other bloggers. I am quickly used it as it not as much as those personal show-off homepages. Then I encounter some enthusiastic bloggers focusing on IT discussions. Frankly speaking, I am not a very IT professional anymore and I never be interested in any specialized web discussion topics like those in newsgroups or chatroom, but the idea of using Blog is just different where people there know how to repect copyright and at the same time shows some human touch.

Okey, so Blog is basically somehow different from Diary where you are not supposed to record every day details as journal entries but to show your own point of view instead. It also allows frequent updates and gain a wide readership. Woh, web literature advancement huh! Then its sounds great to me as it somehow channel to let off fiery-spirited inside feelings in a more noble way and therefore its time for me to construct my own blog too to celebrate this special two thousand and five, although its already halfway toward the end of the year.

Thats perfect and here I hope to keep my perseverance and name it is as "One life my time".

Good start and have fun!


Blogger Unknown said...


星期二, 26 7月, 2005  
Blogger [ivy] said...


星期二, 26 7月, 2005  


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